Day 1: The Koshas with Joan Hyman: USD48 Equivalent

Day 1: The Koshas with Joan Hyman: USD48 Equivalent


Day 1: The Koshas: Joan Hyman will open on Thursday 3 hours (4:30 - 7:30pm PDT)

Unraveling Our Koshas

The koshas are energetic layers that surround our Soul and are known as sheaths. These five koshas are interwoven into our Being and affect our physical body and well being along with our energy level. Understanding how to work with these layers can help to increase our vitality and prevent sickness and disease. In this three hour workshop, Joan will unpack each layer and guide you into practices that use asana to clear blocks out of your physical body, helping to access your energetic sheath deepening your connection to your breath. As yogis, enhancing our energetic layer creates deep healing and replenishment. We will end with meditation stabilizing the mental body where our five senses are found, this guides us towards what is known as our wisdom body, our higher mind, where true peace can be found.

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