Yoga for Every Generation

Yoga for Every Generation


Recorded Sessions now available!

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Purchase the full course at Php 7,100 or pay for a specific class

FULL 10-HOUR COURSE with Yoga Alliance credits under The School of Yoga

Regular Rate

  • Php7,100 equivalent to USD140

  • Applies after 31 January 2022


  • Yoga for the Elderly: Php1,800 equivalent to USD35

  • Yoga for Grief: Php2,600 equivalent to USD50

  • Yoga for Absolute Beginners: Php1,800 equivalent to USD35

More About the Course

In this course, you will learn how to carefully navigate through the challenges and sensitivities of students who are experiencing grief, mobility issues and those who need a safe start to begin a yoga practice. The School of Yoga has assembled a roster of experienced and senior teachers who work with these unique populations to share tools and insights so that other teachers can benefit from their experiences and careful study.

Day 1: Yoga for the Elderly by Maricar Cristina Holopainen

  • 1 April 2022, 4pm to 730pm PDT (3.5 hours)
    2 April 2022, 7am to 1030am PHT (3.5 hours)

Day 2: Yoga for Grief: by Lisa Walford

  • 2 April 2022, 2pm to 615pm PDT (4 hours)
    3 April, 2022, 5am to 915am PHT (4 hours)

Day 3: Yoga for Absolute Beginners by Joan Hyman

  • 3 April 2022, 4pm to 630pm PDT (2.5 hours)
    4 April 2022, 7am to 930am PHT (2.5 hours)

Details of the Sessions

YOGA FOR THE ELDERLY: 3.5-hour course by Experienced Teacher Maricar Cristina Holopainen

Research has shown that daily mindful movements, especially for active seniors, increase neurogenesis which improves the quality of daily life addressing emotional and metal stress, potential cognitive decline and common body aches and pains. The goal of this 4-hour module is to present an introduction to simple sequences for active seniors that can be safely taught online and in-person.

The sequences are designed to develop good habits through repetition of accessible practices to improve the quality of everyday living. The classes will be engaging and immersive with the overall goal of uplifting mood and attitudes, increased levels of energy and ability to focus and pay attention for quality mindful living for older adults who need to be very careful and mindful for their health and safety.

This 3.5-hour module will be composed of lectures and 2 class practices which include a Posture clinic, Breathwork and Gentle Yoga movements.

  • The students and/or teachers attending the modules will be taken through 2 distinct and complementary practice classes that can form the basis for additional sequences.

  • Classes are designed to spark the student’s interest and immediate needs - address concerns of everyday life – body pains, mental and emotional stress, inability to sleep, lack of energy and focus.

  • Classes are designed to be safe and accessible and thrive on kinesthetic learning where the theory is put into actual practice. Classes are mostly done seated (on chairs, standing against a wall, use of simple props like belts/straps and pillows/mats for the floor exercises).

  • Classes are designed with measurable benefits, where they feel an immediate or residual benefit within the class so that they can be curious enough to want to come back for more.

Handouts will be provided. A sturdy chair, wallspace, 2 blocks and a strap will be needed for the module.

YOGA FOR GRIEF: 4-hour course by Senior Teacher & Trainer Lisa Walford

Losing someone or something is never easy. There are degrees to loss; from the frustration of losing your keys to the paralyzing grief of losing a child or spouse, the internal mental pattern is similar. The Buddha notoriously said that life is suffering. The first time I heard this, it sounded bleak and fatalistic. He then suggested that there is a means to relieve suffering. In this workshop I will introduce the physiological impact on the body-mind of both short- and long-term stresses and how potent yogic techniques can be to ameliorate physical and emotional pain. We will practice yoga and other activities to help harness our innate capacity to relieve suffering while acknowledging the potency of the grieving process.

This 4-hour course will introduce grief as a natural response to loss and how we program ourselves to avoid pain and suffering. We will look at the physiological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of loss as viewed through a yogic lens. Techniques to accept loss and relieve emotional and physical pain will be covered. Teaching modalities include: Powerpoint presentation on the stress syndrome tempered by the relaxation response with an introduction to Polyvagal theory, Restorative yoga sequence, Journaling, can include affirmations, mantra or prayer, Meditation and a Discussion, how to active listen, support and engage with someone who is grieving.

YOGA FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS: 2.5-hour course by Senior Teacher & Trainer Joan Hyman

Beginner yogis are a unique population. They are also the key to building your clientele as a yoga teacher. Students rarely forget their first yoga teacher, so this is an important part of a student’s journey. This is a great opportunity to teach good habits, how to work with props, and understand alignment. This workshop will examine the difficulties for beginners and look to create a safe yet challenging sequence for them. At the same time, we’ll explore the art of teaching a complete beginning level class that will leave your students and yourself feeling transformed from the brightness the practice of yoga can offer. This is open to anyone who is brand new learning yoga to the teacher looking for more insight on teaching true beginners yoga.

For any inquiries, please email us at